
Posts Tagged ‘Plymouth Long Beach’

I’ve written about Plymouth and its amazing attributes, but never from the water’s point of view.
Today we ventured onto the Pilgrim Belle, a touring paddle boat with a captain who obviously understood and loved his work. He spoke of the famous Plymouth Rock – its symbolism and diminishing size, due to people chipping off bits to take home. I recalled being taught about that in high school – that the rock once sat unprotected until it was realized that, without its present “cage”, there would soon be nothing left. He spoke of Burial Hill and the monuments we could barely see in the distance, and he provided us with an up-close and personal vision and education on the varying pieces of ghostly land we squint to see from shore. Clark’s Island and Plymouth’s Long Beach, Bug Light, a chubby little structure dressed in red and white standing proudly out in that deep blue sea. It occurred to me as we cruised close enough to almost touch the little lighthouse, that it should be adorned with something blue, maybe a blue star or two, to hold the colors of our American flag.
With the captain giving us information on the harbor and its part played in the landing of the Pilgrims from England and Holland, he gave us the opportunity to imagine the strength of those poor people, at sea for more than ninety days, arriving in a cold and unknown land. I wonder how many of us today would make that journey with no promises for a better life, only hope.
The Pilgrim Belle is not a large vessel – I would estimate that it might carry between fifty and eighty passengers, and there are tables and a snack bar below for simple fare, coffee and snacks. For a short trip (about seventy-five minutes), the snacks aren’t really necessary. although my hot tea was appreciated today with the chilled October weather.
From the water, looking in toward the beautiful shore, you’ll get more than a lesson in history and geography – you’ll have feasted your eyes on glorious scenery you will not soon forget.

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